Upgrading an Ancient React Application

Jeffrey Carl Faden
Software Engineer

While the world of office work has changed for us and many others since we first released Lunch in 2016, the app itself has been happily chugging along, attracting regular users and helping teams with one of the most pressing questions of the day: where’s lunch?

Server-Timings: Rails performance metrics in your dev tools

Travis Gaff
Software Engineer

If you use the browser development tools, you've likely seen the request timing information on the Network tab. It shows how long it takes for web pages and their components to load. But did you know that servers can also send their own timing information? They can do this with a header named Server-Timing. Modern browsers can show the server timing data next to the client timing data on the Network tab. This can help developers find and fix server-side performance issues such as N+1 queries. You can read more about the Server-Timing header's specification in the W3 working draft, or on Mozilla’s documentation site

Hotwire Decisions: When to use Turbo Frames, Turbo Streams, and Stimulus

Travis Gaff
Software Engineer

Progressive Enhancement as a guide to choosing which tool to use in Hotwire

Top 10 Requirements for a Developer Portal

Matt Wilson

When you build a developer center or developer portal, you’ve got tough customers. They’re developers, after all. They either know precisely what they want, in which case they will demand that you deliver exactly what you advertise. Or they don’t know what they want at all, in which case you have to educate them in the most painless way possible, and make onboarding easy and fun.

“Design system adoption is culture change disguised as a UI kit”

Annah Amici
Product Designer

So stated Lauren LoPrete at Figma’s short and sweet Schema conference last Wednesday. With a grab-bag of the most interesting talks from New York, London, and Tokyo over the past few weeks, speakers shared their experience with design systems from the perspective of individual contributors all the way up to senior leadership, wrapping up with a live speaker Q&A at the end.

AI Won’t Replace Your Designer, But It May Give Them Superpowers

Ventsislav Valev

You may have heard: don’t send your kids to art school, because the AIs have taken over the creative professions. No sooner had MidJourney and DALL-E made the news, than we started to hear about Google and Facebook’s entrants in not only image generation, but full-motion video and audio. The news is coming faster than career counselors can keep up.

The Art of the Lift and Shift

Chris Greacen

A Lift and Shift (according to Techopedia) is “a particular technique in software migration where an application or code base is taken out of one environment and placed in another environment, without significant underlying design change.” It often happens when a big company buys a little company, and wants to rehost or replatform the little company’s application. Or it happens in any company when they want to change platforms or move an application to the cloud.

Why Organize Around Value Streams?

Rik Dryfoos
Senior Consultant, Business Agility

If your team wants to pursue any of the following improvement opportunities then understanding and organizing around value streams will help.

Learning from the LGBT+ community

Annah Amici
Product Designer

Just a few weeks after Smashingconf, I attended Queer Design Club’s first annual summit. Since its founding in 2019, the organization has fostered a growing Slack community, aiming to broaden the conversation around diversity beyond the limited silos of race and gender. With the summit, they brought that community (virtually) together while elevating traditionally underrepresented voices from the design industry. With an eye to last year’s Queer Design Count, speakers looked at both the statistics and their own personal experiences to discuss how we can all help move the design industry forward.

Welcome back to SF, Smashingconf!

Annah Amici
Product Designer

With a rare week of beautiful spring weather, San Francisco welcomed Smashingconf back in early June for the first time since 2019. Carefully biking my way through the chaos of the Warriors NBA championship parade, I soon arrived at the beautiful Fort Mason ready for a long day of design. After catching up with some former co-workers in town from Hong Kong, I settled in for a full-day workshop with Smashing founder Vitaly Friedman. The topic?

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